Baby Adam’s Journey!

Hi hey hello,

Yesterday, I mentioned that today’s blog post would be about an amazing story, so I am very excited to tell this incredible tale.

Basically, there was an infant, little Adam, who was born in September at the hospital Dr.Raja and Jessica Paulraj worked at. This child’s parents were unable to take care of him. He was born with a cleft palate and lip, no eyelids, and fused feet. Dr.Raja and Jessica fell in love with Adam. On September 24, the Paulraj’s began the process of adopting little Adam. He became their legal son in early October. He got his passport and visa, ready to come over to the US to have the operations he desperately needed to survive.

They all got here, and found out they were an incredibly large sum of money short, $100,00 to be exact. The surgery was a week away and they needed to raise $100,000. They trusted God, they knew He had a plan, they trusted that if it was His will, He would come through, and He did! Within 1 week, that is 7 days in case you forgot, enough donations were sent in for little Adam to have his surgery. They blogged about it, told friends, sent emails, and with God’s hand guiding the whole process, got the money they needed.

Yesterday, Little Adam went in to have his eyelid surgery. So much prayer covered that OR. That little child was prayed for by innumerable amounts of people. He came out of surgery and is doing great. He is off the ventilator, breathing on his own. They are not sure yet how his eyelids will look and function or if his eye sight will be damaged, we can only pray and trust God.

Please pray for this family has this must be a trying time for them. Pray for trust, love, joy, laughter, peace. If you are able, you can give money to help support his medical care  Click Here!
If you want to follow his story Click Here!

How amazing is God!


I go around a time or two, just to waste my time with you.

Hi hey hello,

Today I have a video to share with you guys. I found this over on This is video is crazy, I wish I had the guts to do some of these stunts, they look so much fun! Isn’t it amazing how  our bodies were created  to be able to withstand things of this magnitude.

Title Lyrics: Dirty Little Secret – All American Rejects 

All the guys doing parkour are simply insane. I would love to be able to do that, but me and my clumsy self would end up dead.