Sing with me, sing for the years. Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears. Sing with me, just for today. Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away.

Hi hey hello,

As I mentioned yesterday, my family and I went camping for the weekend. We got up there of Friday and set up camp as the sun set. It was beautiful. Saturday we got up, I went for a run, and we spent most of the day sitting on the beach, playing in the water, sliding down the 60 foot water slide, eating ice cream, and generally relaxing. Sunday, my dad and I returned home to go to church because my dad had to help run sound for the service. We went to church, picked up some things from home, and returned to the camp, though not before buying some delicious subs, Girl Scout cookies, and a surprise cake for my sister’s birthday. We got back, surprised Diana with the cake and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon on the beach. Monday morning we got up and packed up and headed home. Vlad ended up sick, but he was better by the time we got home. We went out to dinner for Diana’s birthday and rested at home for the evening. It was quite an enjoyable time.

Here are some pictures to sort of sum up the weekend:

What kinds of vacations do you all like to go on? Camping? Anything else?

Title Lyrics: Dream On – Aerosmith 


If you’re the bird, whenever we pretend it’s summer…

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all had a spectacular weekend. I’ve spent mine camping with my family at Yogi Bear Campground. We have been eating s’mores, hobo dinners, and chilling by fire light. Sleeping on air mattresses has never been my favorite thing to do, but I did have a fun time this weekend.
We spent a considerable amount of time soaking up the sun, soaked in sun screen of course. At this campground they had a waterside, 60 feet tall. We have been having a ball swimming and playing in the sand. I have been rather busy, so I don’t have a ton of pictures, but when I get home I will upload them for tomorrow.

Title Lyrics: The Bird and the Worm – Owl City

Have a great Monday!


For the honor of the Savior, let the cross be lifted high. The great exchange of love and grace. Came down to give us life. For the honor of the Spirit, whose power lives in us. That we might see much greater things, as we embrace Your love.

Hi hey hello,

Terribly sorry for the lack of postage for the past three days. I had a special trip with my school. We went on what we call “Vision Quest.” The premise of the trip is to get away from all the hectic-ness of life and seek God, specifically His will for our lives, in the wilderness, alone. Much of the time is spent in Silence and Solitude, or SilSol, as we call it. The juniors and seniors at my school participate in it. We hike out deep into the wilderness(okay not really, it is like two-ish miles into the woods) and camp out for a few days. The seniors do it by themselves, while the juniors are in groups.

Being a senior, I camped alone, or mostly alone. I have never camped out in the woods like that by myself. It was a very nerve-racking experience. The noises of the night are terrifying, especially when a bear was spotted right in the area where I was camping the previous year. I am convinced there was an armadillo circling my tent the second night. I would have pictures, but we were not allowed to bring electronics, and there really wasn’t anything to take pictures of.

Title Lyrics: For The Honor – Elevation Worship

How did you spend your weekend? Are you a fan of camping? Why or why not?


PS. I love pineapple.