I wish we had one more kiss. I’ll wait for you I promise you, I will. I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been.

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all are having a spectacular week. Even though it was the day after a long weekend, my Tuesday was pretty good. I think it is probably a good thing that the last class I have on Tuesdays and Thursdays I thoroughly enjoy. Anyway, so, the beach. I was there this weekend. Here are some pictures of my weekend!

PICTURES! Yeah, it was an awesome trip.

Have a great Wednesday!

Title Lyrics: Lucky – Jason Mraz 


Where You go, I’ll go. Where You stay, I’ll stay. When You move, I’ll move. I will follow. Who You love, I’ll love. How You serve, I’ll serve. If this life I lose, I will follow You.

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all had a fantastic Labor Day! My weekend was pretty good, other than a few kinks, the beach was nice and relaxing. I got to go to youth again, which was fantastic. I love getting to see the kids and hearing Josh teach. It always just such an amazing time. I also got to watch the SEASON PREMIERE OF DOCTOR WHO! I promise, no spoilers (read that in River’s voice didn’t ya?), but it was fantastic. I loved it, it sorta kinda completely blew my mind. I didn’t really see that coming at all. The majority of the episode was crazy.

I have lots and lots of pictures from the beach, but I haven’t exactly had time to get that taken care of, so those will hopefully, at the very least, be up on my flickr this week, though they should be on the blog here too!

Anyway, I wanted to write about something Josh talked about on Sunday. He talked about how the Gospel is the same 200 years ago and today. God’s love and His mercy is the same for us and for our great great great grandparents. I just thought that was the coolest thing EVER. I mean, I knew that, but it is always nice to get a refresher.

What are some things your have to remind yourself of frequently?

Title Lyrics: I Will Follow – Chris Tomlin


PS. Happy September!

Every distant and broken heart. Every prayer every outstretched arm. Finding hope in the love of the Father.

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all had a fantastic week! I sure did! I went to the beach on Tuesday and there was no wifi, the only chance I would have had to get a post up would have been via my phone, which I don’t like using, or at the church. I was too busy at the church worshipping God, socializing, and serving people to type up a post, sorry guys.

Anyway, I had a fantastic time, but due to a. my suckishness of a photographer and b. the lack of light, I don’t have many pictures to show for it. We went to the beach on Tuesday and hung out at the house for most of the day. Wednesday we walked on the beach a bit and then went to Carrabelle for a while to check stuff out. We found the cutest ice cream place EVER and Cassidy got the most adorable dress. Then we went up to the church in Wakulla and served food. Thursday, we didn’t spend much time on the beach at all, just hung out and then went to St George, where it was rainy and nasty. We walked around and looked in all the neat little stores, then went back and went to the church for Bible study and Unite Wakulla practice. So awesome!

Friday, we packed up and headed home, only to rush back to Wakulla to get there in time for Unite Wakulla. That event was so amazing. The worship was great, shout out to the band. You guys were great, all of you! The teaching was absolutely amazing. Josh Hawkins taught and I have literally never heard such an amazing presentation of the gospel. Those Wakulla youth kids sure do have themselves a good youth pastor! It was amazing to see what God is doing in Wakulla.

I went to Brian’s house Friday night and stayed there that night, got up early and left for Wild Adventures. My family camped for a few days up there and went to Wild Adventures Saturday and Sunday. It was so much fun! I love that we have something like that so close. I love the roller coasters and everything! Maddy went on a roller coaster and LOVED IT! Like I wanna ride it three times in a row and then am going to fuss when Liz doesn’t want to do it anymore. She went on a ride called Frog Hopper, which is like Double Shot and Tower of Terror, but mini. She also loved that one. It was fantastic, but tiring. We headed home and rested up.

Since I suck at picture taking, here is a picture of Maddy, Luke, and me:
I know I know, you can’t handle all the cuteness in this picture. What can I say, my family is H-O-T.

Title Lyrics: Out God is Love – Hillsong 

And I think back to when my brother and my sister slept. In an unlocked place the only time I feel safe.

Hi hey hello,

We went to The Other Seinyard for Vlad’s birthday dinner. Blackened grouper is seriously like the only type of fish that I like that isn’t in sushi. SO GOOD. I think he had a pretty good, not to crazy, birthday.

So, I am sure all of you know how much I’ve been whining about how I want to go to the beach, well my wish has been answered. Last night, Cassidy asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with her and her family for a few days!!! Dude, I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am for this! The only problem, I am seriously sunburned from my scalloping trip. I unintentionally lost track of time and by the time I realized, it was too late.

So, the first day or so may be a little rough what with the extremely hot sun and stuff. I will suck it up though, because I AM SO EXCITED about the beach. AHHHHH!

Can you tell I am excited?

Title Lyrics: Lights – Ellie Goulding


PS. Since we are going to the beach, I am not sure that we will have Wifi, so sorry if there is some silence over here for a few days.

Friday Favorites!

Hi hey hello,

I hope everyone has had an amazing week, mine has been pretty decent. Lots of sitting at home. Anyway,due to my serious desire to go to the beach, I thought I would indulge a little and take a peek at pictures of all things to do with the beach and what better way to display them than with Friday Favorites! So, this week’s theme for Friday Favorites! is: All Things Beachy.

Source: weheartit.com via Jordan on Pinterest

Source: via Tonya on Pinterest

Source: via Tonya on Pinterest



I hope you all have an amazing weekend!


Lie down with dogs, and you wake up with a raise and a promotion.

Hi hey hello,

I don’t know about any of you, but since summer began, and I know, I know, not officially, but since school ended, I haven’t been to the beach. I love the beach. Like, I love it, there are things I dislike about it, the sand in all the wrong places, sunburn, nasty hair, but I just love the smell, the beauty, the sea life. Oh I just love it. That is one thing about living in Tallahassee that sort of sucks. We are in Florida, but we are about 1 1/2 hours away from a nice beach, and that if if you drive fast.

At orientation last week, I talked to lots of people who are not from Tallahassee. They asked me what there is to do here. I didn’t really have a response. To people coming from places like, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami, Tallahassee is boring. Okay, to people who live here, it’s still not the most fun place on the planet. There is stuff to do, if you are creative, but other than movies, the mall, and downtown, there is not much to do here. I hated breaking to these people who are used to living 15 minutes from a beach that it was quite a trip to get to a decent beach. Everyone assumes that because you live in Florida, you live close to the beach and you spend every free moment there.


All that to say, I want to go to the beach. The next family trip we are planning, however is to Wild Adventures, which I am pretty pumped about, because though it isn’t anything close to Disney or Six Flags, it is still pretty awesome and it is only like 45 minutes away. Oh beach, we will be reunited soon!

Do you like the beach? What do you love about your city?

Title Lyrics: Watch What Happens: Newsies: Original Broadway Cast