You mend my life with Your holy fire. You cover me with grace. You are the hand that reaches out to save!

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all have had a wonderful week so far!

These past few weeks have been a real growing up experience for me. My friends have moved away, off to college. I’m starting college in a few days. I do pretty much everything on my own. I drove to freaking Ft Lauderdale and back. That’s seven hours… one way people! Never done that one before. I’ve stayed in a hotel room without an “adult.” So many things are changing in my life.

One thing I am really learning right now is to trust God, especially in this last week. For those that know me this isn’t news, but I am sorta a control freak. I would rather do everything myself. Having anyone drive my car drives me nuts. I would rather do something, and know I’ll do it the way I want it, than have someone else (who is probably equally qualified) do it for me. Anyway, one thing I have learned is that I am not in control. This whole weekend, with all the roadblocks that came up left me completely frazzled. I couldn’t even think properly. I know that we couldn’t have done ANYTHING that happened this weekend without God. How else could you explain $2200 in two days, or a place for us to sleep, or the ability to drive down there, or the exact amount of money we needed for gas? It could only be God.

I am learning to relinquish some of my treasured control. Thank the Lord that the One who is in control is so much better and more qualified than I am. He has so much more perspective than I have.

Title Lyrics: I Am Set Free- All Sons and Daughters 

What are you learning right now?


I’m alive. I’m alive. You breathe on me. You REVIVE me.

Hi hey hello,

This past weekend has been a whirlwind. As some of you may know, one of my best friends, Cassidy, has gone to Ocean’s Edge School of Worship, down in Fort Launderdale. Graham and I drove her down there Saturday morning and got back Sunday night.

It was an absolutely amazing experience. So, let’s start at the beginning. About a month ago Cassidy applied for a spot at OE. After lots of  Thursday morning Cassidy started a Facebook group, basically trying to raise money to go to OE. Long story short, God provided the money for her to go in less than 48 hours. If you want to read the full story go check out her blog ( She should be posting it soon, if not, I’ll get her to do it.

Anyway, this weekend has been an amazing time of seeing God work in amazing ways. Seeing God absolutely destroy every roadblock that came up was such a testimony to the glory of God. God tells us in the Bible that He has so much power and can do anything. We often believe that in our heads, but we don’t think that He will actually do it. We got to see God literally move MOUNTAINS this weekend.

Cassidy didn’t think that the money could be raised in time. God can give her $2200 in two days. We didn’t think we could get someone else to go with us. God provided a way. We didn’t know what was going to happen. God supplied every single thing we needed. He gave us a place to stay, money for gas, food, and on top of that, we got to attend a service at Calvary Chapel Ft Lauderdale. Pastor Bob gave an awesome message on the gifts of God and how we need to remember that God gave us more than just eternal life.

This weekend has been such a testimony to the amazing power of God.

Title Lyrics: You Revive Me – Christy Nockels 

– LC

Your presence is all I need. It’s all I want, all I seek. Without it, without it there’s no meaning.

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all had a spectacular weekend! I know I did. This weekend I attended the spring retreat version of the camp I attended over the summer. It is called CRosSWilD and essentially, I have never been to a camp like it. I go there expecting God to do amazing things, and boy does He. Lives are changed. People are saved. Hearts are softened. It is really an amazing experience. I could go on and on about how awesome I think it is, but I will pick out a few things that were my favorite.

1. My Quality Time group. These groups are just a small group that you meet regularly to discuss the sessions and what God is doing is your heart. Mine was absolutely amazing. I cannot even describe how wonderful they were, especially my leaders. Lauren and Nick were AWESOME. They lead great discussions and really made us be honest.

2. The worship. First off, thank you so much Ocean’s Edge for coming down and helping out. The band is always amazing, beyond words, this year was no exception. These guys and girl are such talented people and they are so on fire for Christ, it is unbelievably encouraging. It is so cool to see some of my worship leaders up there with the people from Ocean’s Edge worshipping their hearts out. They helped lead us into worship, and were able to worship for themselves as well.

3. The theme. The theme this year was, It’s TIME. This basically meant that it is time for us as students to step up and do what God is calling us to do. To make a decision on what we believe. To step out of our comfort zones for Him. To break free of the things holding us back. To live for God as if we only have one week left. It was exactly what I needed at this point in my life.

4. The leaders. Not just in my group, but also the interns back at Calvary. Sarah and Laura, I love you guys so much. I do not know what I would do without you guys. Thank you for all that you do.

If you ever get the opportunity to go to CRosSWilD, take that opportunity. God will show up and work powerfully, in you if you will engage. If you want to know more about it go to

Title Lyrics: I Will Exalt – Bethel Live