If you’re wondering if I want you to, I want you to. So make a move, ‘cos I ain’t got all night. The rest of the summer was the best we ever had. We watched Titanic, and it didn’t make us sad.

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all have had a good week so far!

Last night we had Bible Study out at Wakulla and we talked about something interesting. Instead of having a regular lesson and discussion type deal like normal, Josh just opened up the floor for questions… and when none came in, he began asking questions. One he asked was, “What is a spiritual life?” It is a valid question, especially for these middle schoolers. The general answer had things to do with what WE do. Read your Bible, don’t cuss, go to church. It was all around ME, what I do to get to God. Josh corrected them and really drove home the point that it isn’t US, it’s God. It’s a relationship with God. It’s an intimate relationship with our Father and out of that flows those other things.

I love that. It’s so simple. I feel like I need to be brought back to the simple way too often. I get so focused on the crazy problems and little minuscule things that really aren’t that important and forget that I am talking to my Father, not some genie or problem solver. It’s a relationship, and though it’s give and take, God does most of the giving. If I focus on my relationship with my Father over what my issues are, those issues will work themselves out. Ah wonderful simplicity, how I love thee.

What little things do you get caught up on?

Title Lyrics: (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To – Weezer


Come be the fire inside of me. Come be the flame upon my heart.

Hi hey hello,

So after Saturday’s craziness, with all the running and nonstop fun I had, Sunday was a good day to rest, except for the fact that I did not do a whole lot of resting in the afternoon. My dad and I went Christmas shopping for my mom all afternoon on Sunday. Walking around the mall, 4 different stores, and not stopping for Starbucks until AFTER all of this, was a major energy drainer, but it was enjoyable. I love spending quality time with my dad. Daddy’s girl all the way!

As I was completing an assignment for my Bible class at school, which just happened to be a Bible study, I was reminded of the simple nature of the Gospel. Here is a quick refresher. We all sin, we mess up, we say bad things, think bad thoughts, to bad actions. God, in His infinite, indescribable, unattainable love, sent His Son, His perfect, holy Son to die for us lowly humans. He died a humiliating death, on a cross. Was buried, but rose again three days later and now he is sitting in Heaven, interceding on our behalf, simply because He loves us THAT MUCH!

The Gospel is simply amazing. Sometimes we get so caught up in theological debates and doctrine that we forget the simplicity of the Gospel, yet in it’s simplicity, it is magnificent. Who knows were we would be without it, we would be hopeless. At times, we all need to just stop and think about the Gospel, meditate on it.

Title Lyrics: You Won’t Relent – Misty Edwards 

What are things you remind yourself of? What are your thoughts on the Gospel?



Today is the birthday of one of the most amazing girls in the world. She is simply wonderful, what with her beauty, intelligence, and sarcasm. I love her to death, and even though she is far away, I want to wish you a very happy birthday dearest Taylor!