Here we stand. Worlds apart, hearts broken in two. Sleepless nights. Losing ground. I’m reaching for you.

Hi hey hello,
Last night, I attended a meeting for my graduation party. Quite possibly the most surreal thing ever. It seems so far away, but in reality I am graduating in four months. I am already 18. This is perhaps the most dreamlike thing I have ever experienced in my short life. I know I have ranted about this before, how I can’t believe I am 18 and blah blah blah, so I won’t do that again, but I will talk about something else.

This meeting has gotten me really excited for what happens after graduation. We are having our big graduation party, where all our families come and give us money…err uhm… I mean congratulate us, but what happens after that is the fun part. We are having an after party. I am so pumped for it. Just the seniors, and some parents, are going off somewhere to spend time as a class for quite possibly the last time.

There has been a talk of all of us staying at someone’s house. There has been talk of spending the weekend at the beach. There has been a lot of talk among my classmates. I need some ideas. I am the representative from my class (along with my best friend, Brian) to the parents. We have talked a considerable amount, but still no real final decision.

Have any of you ever done this sort of thing before? Any ideas for us? We need something that will be as low cost as possible, which means no Disney World (we already discussed it… more than once). Any cheap, but incredibly fun ideas for how to spend our last time together as a class?

Title Lyrics: Separate Ways – Journey

I need to take a vacation! If this is settling down, Then why aren’t you here?

Hi hey hello,

Yesterday was a nice day, full of relaxation. I woke up late-ish, went to lunch and the grocery with my family. Hung out around the house, made some yummy hard candy with my mom, and then went to a party of sorts at my friend’s house.

The candy was so much fun to make, only requires sugar, light corn syrup, water, and some flavoring. So simple, yet so yummy! We made lemon and cinnamon. They smell simply wonderful. Cinnamon filled the house as we cooked them up. They are currently sitting on the kitchen counter, hardening, just waiting to be snacked on.

The party was also spectacular. My friend invited the upperclassmen girls over to watch Young Frankenstein. Good movie, some sexual innuendos and a few rather awkward scenes, but other than that, a funny tale. After we watched the movie and ate more food than we ever should have, we went to the Bethlehem Experience at my church. Basically what it was, was Bethlehem the night Jesus was born. Everyone is talking about the story of the shepherds, going to see the baby Jesus, and coming into town for the census. It was very well done and fun to go see. After we walked through it, we went back to my friend’s house and talked for a long time.

It is so nice to get together with the girls for a little while, though my dear Kate was not able to attend, due to a prior engagement, which was exceedingly upsetting. It was overall a fantastic night.

Title Lyrics: Take a Vacation – The Young Veins 

What did you do yesterday? Do you like Young Frankenstein? Why or why not? Favorite movie?