All is quiet on New Year’s Day. A world in white gets underway. I want to be with you, be with you night and day.

Hi hey hello,

So, I know I said that I wouldn’t be posting anything while I am visiting my lovely friend, Taylor, but I decided that I wanted to write it early. Okay, it was more like, I was reading other blogs, and kinda felt bad about leaving you guys hanging, so I decided that I wanted to post something, and I also had a pretty cool idea of what to post about, so here you have it!

What would you guys think if I started a fashion post, like a What I Wore kinda thing, once a week? Good idea? Horrible idea, why did you even suggest it? I haven’t totally decided if I want to do it, but I love fashion, reading blogs, choosing what I wear, all that jazz, so I figured, why not incorporate it in my blog?? So yeah, just an idea thrown out there, I really would love to hear your input!

Do you all have any traditions for New Year’s? My youth group does!! We write letters to ourselves the Wednesday after New Year’s. The letters can contain anything we want, essentially they detail our lives at the moment and encouragement for us in the future. They are so fun to receive and to see how much you have grown and changed, who is still a big part of your life and who isn’t, what has really impacted you and where you want to go with life. It is fun to get a little introspective with them, because no one else is going to see them, they are to you. In a hustle and bustle world where we hardly really get a good look at ourselves, it is nice to take some time and do it! Plus, who doesn’t love to receive a letter! I know I do, so much better than an email, like the single best way to win my affections is to send me a letter.

Title Lyrics: New Year’s Day – U2

What traditions do you have? What do you want to have?



If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking. Then Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart turns violently inside of my chest and I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way…

Hi hey hello,

Sorry about once again, not posting for a while. I have been like really really sick, I know, not an excuse, but it is the truth. I don’t know if you guys know, but Sunday was the little baby blog’s birthday!! He is one year old. (Yes, my blog is a boy) I cannot believe it has been one year.
This time last year, this blog was where I came and wrote all those rants about people who I knew wouldn’t read my blog, then found out they did later. Yeah, it was an awkward stage in my life, one that quickly went away, thankfully. I just want to thank all of my friends who have stood by me through those horribly bad and awkward times and thanks to all of my readers who have stumbled upon this little baby here.
In other news, Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a very merry one indeed, I know I did. Got my iPhone 4S, FIFA12, and wedges. It was indeed a good year. I will save the “what a year” post though for New Years, which I will be spending with my lovely friend, Taylor!! I am beyond excited!
I always try to think back at this time of year about what Christ did on the cross for us all those years ago. I am reading Crazy Love, and I highly recommend that book to anyone who wants to have their view of God and themselves challenged. This books has redefined how I view this time of year. Mr.Chan, in one part talks about how nothing is about us, the big story, is not at all about us. In the Bible, God created the earth, God chose the people, God used the people, God set up judges, God sent His son, God will be praised for eternity. Not one part of that is about us, all about Him and His glory, so our lives should be lived for His glory, which is ultimately our greatest good! Oh how great our God is!!

How was your Christmas? What did you do? How do you keep this season, full of gifts and food and material things, in perspective of the great gift of God?