If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking. Then Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart turns violently inside of my chest and I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way…

Hi hey hello,

Sorry about once again, not posting for a while. I have been like really really sick, I know, not an excuse, but it is the truth. I don’t know if you guys know, but Sunday was the little baby blog’s birthday!! He is one year old. (Yes, my blog is a boy) I cannot believe it has been one year.
This time last year, this blog was where I came and wrote all those rants about people who I knew wouldn’t read my blog, then found out they did later. Yeah, it was an awkward stage in my life, one that quickly went away, thankfully. I just want to thank all of my friends who have stood by me through those horribly bad and awkward times and thanks to all of my readers who have stumbled upon this little baby here.
In other news, Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a very merry one indeed, I know I did. Got my iPhone 4S, FIFA12, and wedges. It was indeed a good year. I will save the “what a year” post though for New Years, which I will be spending with my lovely friend, Taylor!! I am beyond excited!
I always try to think back at this time of year about what Christ did on the cross for us all those years ago. I am reading Crazy Love, and I highly recommend that book to anyone who wants to have their view of God and themselves challenged. This books has redefined how I view this time of year. Mr.Chan, in one part talks about how nothing is about us, the big story, is not at all about us. In the Bible, God created the earth, God chose the people, God used the people, God set up judges, God sent His son, God will be praised for eternity. Not one part of that is about us, all about Him and His glory, so our lives should be lived for His glory, which is ultimately our greatest good! Oh how great our God is!!

How was your Christmas? What did you do? How do you keep this season, full of gifts and food and material things, in perspective of the great gift of God?


Sometimes love’s intoxicating…

Hi hey hello,

Sorry I haven’t been posting much recently. I have had quite a few things that got in the way of this here blog. The biggest thing was my laptop completely dying. It just like stopped working, hard drive problem, however, much to my excitement, a few days of sitting there, off, restored it to health. Then I had semester exams. I only had 3, but one was a take home exam. Take home exams = 50x the work of a regular exam. Another, my physics exam, I ROCKED! Like for real, never felt so good about an exam in my life. Maybe it was because my teacher is a great teacher, and he like taught it in a way we would understand. It was great.

My last exam, not so much. Calculus, I am pretty sure you will be the death of me. Long story short, about a month ago our teacher had her baby, and therefore is now on maternity leave. We were left with a sub who knew nothing about Calculus, expected us to know, and when we didn’t, she gave up and moved on. Yeah, so even with countless hours spent studying and even a group effort, almost our entire class (a whole 4 people, out of a class of 6) met at Starbucks to study. All our work was in vain, because most of us feel horrible about it. Calculus grade… in the trash.

Enough complaining…. enter crazy caps lock craziness. CHRISTMAS IS ONLY 5 DAYS AWAY!!!!! Dude, I cannot believe that it is so soon. That means that my trip to Jacksonville to visit my lovely friend Taylor is only  10 days away. So excited!

Title Lyrics: Nothing – The Script

What are you doing for Christmas? Going anywhere? Staying home?


Friday Favorites!

Hi hey hello,

So, in honor of looking at Christmas lights on Wednesday night, I figured, why not really dedicate a day to checking out all the Christmas lights people have posted online, so this week’s edition of Friday Favorites is all about Christmas lights!


Source: tumblr.com via Liz on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Liz on Pinterest

Source: flickr.com via Liz on Pinterest

What is your favorite type of decoration on Christmas? The tree, the lights, the ornaments? Do you DIY your own decorations?


Come be the fire inside of me. Come be the flame upon my heart.

Hi hey hello,

So after Saturday’s craziness, with all the running and nonstop fun I had, Sunday was a good day to rest, except for the fact that I did not do a whole lot of resting in the afternoon. My dad and I went Christmas shopping for my mom all afternoon on Sunday. Walking around the mall, 4 different stores, and not stopping for Starbucks until AFTER all of this, was a major energy drainer, but it was enjoyable. I love spending quality time with my dad. Daddy’s girl all the way!

As I was completing an assignment for my Bible class at school, which just happened to be a Bible study, I was reminded of the simple nature of the Gospel. Here is a quick refresher. We all sin, we mess up, we say bad things, think bad thoughts, to bad actions. God, in His infinite, indescribable, unattainable love, sent His Son, His perfect, holy Son to die for us lowly humans. He died a humiliating death, on a cross. Was buried, but rose again three days later and now he is sitting in Heaven, interceding on our behalf, simply because He loves us THAT MUCH!

The Gospel is simply amazing. Sometimes we get so caught up in theological debates and doctrine that we forget the simplicity of the Gospel, yet in it’s simplicity, it is magnificent. Who knows were we would be without it, we would be hopeless. At times, we all need to just stop and think about the Gospel, meditate on it.

Title Lyrics: You Won’t Relent – Misty Edwards 

What are things you remind yourself of? What are your thoughts on the Gospel?



Today is the birthday of one of the most amazing girls in the world. She is simply wonderful, what with her beauty, intelligence, and sarcasm. I love her to death, and even though she is far away, I want to wish you a very happy birthday dearest Taylor!

Are you gonna waste your time thinkin’ how you’ve grown up or how you missed out? Things are never gonna be the way you want.

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all had as a splendiferous a day  as I did. There was nothing really particularly special about it, perhaps it is this time of year, or maybe the impending vacation time, or perhaps it is the sense of accomplishment at finishing yet another AP Macroeconomics assignment. I am not really sure what it is, but today has been awesome.

We had another game today, and yes, in case you were somehow counting, we have had 3 games without a practice… It is a bit crazy, but it is a learning experience to say the least. We are doing well, we had our first lead in a varsity level game tonight. That was quite a thrill to be a part of.

I just read a blog post over at Talin’s blog about knowing you are special. This sort of got me thinking about that and how negative our society can be. What if we focused more on the positive, not neglecting the negative because that is how we grow, but perhaps focusing on what we have and not so much what we do not have. Especially in this time of year, we as Americans are all about what we WANT , what if we focused more on what we have and be grateful for that, and turn that into helping others, who actually NEED things. I am not saying that for Christmas this year you should only give things to others and not receive anything, though that would be amazing. Sometimes we do need things, but being grateful for what we do have can go a long way in our perspective.

Title Lyrics: A Praise Chorus – Jimmy Eat World

What are some ways we can help our society this Christmas? How can we try to focus more on the positive?


She don’t know what she wants to be, with all the pictures in the magazines.Holding hands when she’s mad at me

Hi hey hello,

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend, or if not, I hope it was a productive weekend. Mine was not necessarily productive, not throughout the whole thing. Yesterday I powered through some school work, stayed up until 1 am doing an AP Lit assignment. It was not relaxing either, Friday night, I was out until 2 am doing something with my school’s leadership program. I would love to write all about it, but the information cannot be disclosed. Not because it is illegal or horrible or anything, but because the leaders do not want to have to come up with a new scenario every single year.

It was amazing though, seriously and amazing time. I am telling you, if you attend CCS and are in high school, I urge you to do the Senior Leadership Program. It is amazing, I have grown so much as a leader through this program. For those of you who do not attend CCS, do some leadership training somewhere. It is so beneficial. I cannot tell you how much it has helped me, not only in school, but in work, and college application processes and what not. It is amazing.

Needless to say, I did not do a whole lot on Saturday, I went to the parade downtown with my family. It was truly amazing, the weather was splendid, the kids loved it. It was their first parade, the way Diana’s eyes lit up when she saw all the horses and police officers, the dancers, and floats. She was awe-struck. I also got to see my best friend’s dad, which was cool. I do not get to see him often and he is fun to talk to, so it was nice to see him. My family finished putting up our Christmas decorations today, got all the outside lights up and the light-up deer and Christmas tree my mother had to have put up. Overall, it was a good weekend, not full of sleep, as was planned, but a nice one.

Title Lyrics: Hey Mama – Mat Kearney 

How was your weekend? Did you go to a parade? Does your town have a Christmas parade? Do you attend? Do you have leadership training? I know, random right?


Friday Favorites!

Hi hey hello,

It is time for another installment of Friday Favorites! This week’s topic is this steady approaching holiday and season, Christmas and Winter!

Source: bakingdom.com via Liz on Pinterest

Source: shibawi.com via Liz on Pinterest

Source: pauladeen.com via Liz on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Liz on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Liz on Pinterest










































Guys, it is already December! The year is almost over! Only 24 days until Christmas! I love this time of year, Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks, Sweaters, boots, cool weather, ah it is bliss!

What are you doing for Christmas? Going anywhere? Staying home?