You don’t wanna lose it again, but I’m not like them. Baby, when you finally get to love somebody, guess what. It’s gonna be me

Hi hey hello,

The past few weeks I have spent feverishly addressing graduation announcements, filling out forms, and generally preparing for graduation and college. I know I have said this probably four hundred times, and I will probably say it another hundred in the next few weeks, but graduation is right around the corner. College is coming rapidly. I will no longer be a high school student in less than a month. WOAH!  That does not even seem possible.

Yesterday Brian and I were looking through each of our time lines of Facebook, all the way back in 7th and 8th grade. It it so funny how that seems like just yesterday, but also a millennium ago.  It feels like just yesterday we were sitting in the library receiving our Macbooks for school. Back when the hardest thing we had to deal with was AP European History. (not that the class wasn’t super hard, but in the grand scheme of things… seems sort of smallish). Before JREX, before college applications, before Winter Exs, before Leadership Camp, before I Week. Before all those things that seem to have been going on forever. Before The Hunger Games got big. Before One Direction… Before… Justin Bieber. Before iPhones. Before iPods. Before touch screens.

I love thinking back to times when the cartoons were Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Catdog, Rocket Power; when pop music was Backstreet Boys, N’Sync, Destiny’s Child, Aaron Carter. Oh to be back in those times. So much easier.


My last class as a high school student is a week from tomorrow. I apologize that I get a little reminiscent and thoughtful.

Anything you’d like to reminisce on?

Title Lyrics: It’s Gonna Be Me – *N SYNC


I’ve just seen a face, I can’t forget the time and place where we just met. She’s just a girl for me and I want all the world to see we’ve met…

hmm hmm hmm hmh hm, had it been another day, I might have looked the over way, and I’d have never been aware, but as it is I’ll dream of her tonight.

Hi hey hello,

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus there. I haven’t posted for a whole three days! Dude, that is crazy. I got a lot done in that time however! I am all caught up as of now, with my classes! That was a lot of exclamation points, wow. Friday Favorites will return next week. Can you believe this year is already almost over. I only have a few weeks of school left before HALF of my senior year is over. I cannot believe haw fast this year has flown by. Oh, and this little blog over here is gonna be ONE YEAR OLD in about a month and a few days. I know I have not been entirely consistent in that time, but still, one year.

Everyone is growing up and getting older. Changing for both the better and the worse. Seasons are passing, now excuse me while I go read all my old yearbooks and reminisce on younger times. Before all this started with REAL LIFE. Like college and what not. Jeez.

Title Lyrics: I’ve Just Seen a Face – The Beatles

Where have you changed this year? Where were you this time last year? What has changed, what has remained steady?